Tuition and Fees

Current tuition rates and other fees are available on the Tuition and Costs page.

Payment Options

Payment options include credit card payments, monthly installment or deferred payment plans. Benefits are available for veterans, medically disabled students or family members of University faculty and staff.

Financial Aid

To be eligible for federal financial aid, students must be enrolled at least half-time. Graduate students taking at least eight credit hours per semester are considered full-time. Additional information and how to apply can be found at types of aid available for graduates.


The following organizations offer private scholarships to graduate studentswith business majors. Many scholarships are only available to students attending schools holding the internationally recognized AACSB accreditation, which »ÆÉ«¶ÌÊÓƵ has.

is an online scholarship search engine which allows students to search for scholarships by degree type or by subject area.